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Tax Management and Compliance
100% on line

teachers from 12 countries

Americas and Europa

Beginning of the Course


Registrations will go up to


The postgraduate course has a
360 hour class load


About the course

The purpose of this MBA is to provide knowledge of Tax Management (public and private perspective) and Tax Completion of Tax Divisions of Inter-American and Euro-American Corporate Groups, as well as the Management of Tax Administration Bodies in America and Europe, being a premise factual approach to publicize and analyze the different tax regimes that affect inbound and outbound reciprocal investments in America and Europe, including the different vehicles most used in financial practice such as, among others, Investments Funds, Private Equity Funds, Hedge Funds, Trusts, Securitizations, Insurance with Investments Underlyings, among other Autonomous Investment Equities, Foundations, Holdings, etc., as well as from the “Base Erosion and Profits Shifting Perspective of the OECD”.
  • 12 countries
  • Current and relevant international tax issues
  • 100% online course



Important Data

Unidades, detalles y profesores

Diploma Program

(i) Casuistry;
(ii) Tax Rulling (Treasury Reports);
(iii) Jurisprudence (Administrative and / or Judicial) and Leading Cases;
(iv) Transfer Pricing Completion Duties.

Case Study: Jurisprudence and / or Reports of the Tribute Management Body.

(i) Tax Planning Family Offices; (ii) Investments in Investments Variable Income (shares) and Fixed Income (Bonds) and Financial Hybrids Contracts; (iii) Hybrid Entities: Mutual Investment Founds, Trusts and Trusts; (iv) Hybrid Financial Products (Currency). Case Study: Jurisprudence (Administrative and / or Judicial) and / or Tax Rulling (Reports of the Tribute
(i) Country that signed the Multilateral Anti-BEPS Treaty? If you did not sign the Anti-BEPS Treaty, were Unilateral Rules issued ?; (ii) Effects of the Global Information Exchange Treaty: If they signed or not? Case Study: Real applied consulting and trends in real
(i) CFCs (“Controlled Foreign Corporations”); (ii) PFICs (“Passive Foreign Investment Company”); (iii) Indirect Sale of Shares; (iv) Fiscal Control of Intercompany Tax Planning; (v) Repatriation of Funds (vi) Foreign Tax Credit; (vii) Duration of the Residence Certificate and other Basic Compliance Rules. Case Study: Jurisprudence and / or Reports of the Tribute Management Body.

Course Details

To train EVPs, SVPs, VPs Directors and Managers of the private sector in tax matters, with a public, civic and tax ethical approach, as well as efficient officials and executives of the main Tax Administrative Bodies of Europe and America. Give students the necessary tools to understand and apply the legal, accounting-tax bases, concepts, institutions and practical aspects of tax management and tax compliance. To train creative and proactive public servants in the definition, execution and evaluation of tax policies, as well as in the new functions that are generated in the matter of control, as a consequence of the internationalization of the economy and of the applicable regulations, according to the plans of the OECD in its BEPS Actions Plans. Potentialize the professional skills of students and their multidisciplinary skills towards an integral vision of the tax world, which allows them to understand the public-private dimension of the subject, through an appropriate combination of management theory and tax compliance, case analysis and exchange of experiences . To give students instruments of public management and negotiation, to train them as professionals with managerial skills and leaders of their profession in a changing, global and multidisciplinary fiscal environment, especially if they work in Tribute Management Bodies; especially because the BEPS / OECD introduces alternative mechanisms in conflict resolution (eg arbitration), when benefits of Agreements to Eliminate Double Income Taxation under the “BEPS Multilateral Tax Treaty” have been rendered void.

Module: South America (Inbound – Outbound)
United Kingdom: june 2023
Colombia: july 2023
Mexico: august 2023 –
Canada: september 2023
Brazil: october 2023
Argentina: november 2023
Italy: december 2023
Spain: january 2024
Netherlands: february 2024
Uruguay: march2024
Germany: april 2024
Peru: may 2024

Our methodology is based on synchronous sessions with the teacher and other students and on individual student studies to analyze the cases and materials. Allows you to work with flexible schedules and locations, with the same quality as face-to-face courses.

In relation to each of the countries, the professors must manage the content of the four topics, since these topics must be presented in the approximate period of one month.

During this period, four synchronous classes will be held, in which the teachers will discuss the content of the four topics (one topic for each classroom) and some practical cases, which will be informed, first of all, to the students, before the date of realization of synchronous classes. In case the student misses synchronous classes, it will be possible to view them later, as they will be recorded and made available on the FBT Teaching Platform.

Thus, the four topics of the course should be treated as follows:

Teachers will indicate:

* Bibliography for reading, for each of the 4 topics;

* Four case studies that will be discussed in four live online classrooms of 2 hours each, with students. The teacher should discuss a case study in the classroom.

Students must complete:

* Reading all the materials of each module;

* Study each of the cases that will be discussed with the professors of each country;

* Watch and participate, with comments, in the four online classes, live, in each country, one class for each discipline of the course.

* The grade will be given, only and exclusively, with the presentation of the final work of the course.

Class days and times:

Live classes will be held on Mondays from 8 pm to 10 pm (Official Time in Brasilia),for classes in countries in the Americas, (ii) from 3 pm to 5 pm (Brasilia Official Time) for European countries.

* there may be a change in the class schedule, depending on the country (changes are notified in advance) on the student notice board on the FBT teaching platform.


The course methodology will be aimed at professionals with minimal fluency in Portuguese, English and Spanish, as the teaching staff is composed of at least one specialist per country.


"La buena gerencia tributaria de agentes privados implica cumplimentar los deberes solidarios de contribuir y generando “valor” a los accionistas de las empresas privadas, así como para determinar las tasas efectivas de impuestos en el contexto de políticas fiscales y gestiones administrativas de fiscalizadores que busquen un óptimo de "Laffer”. "



Addy mazz


Professor of Financial Law, Faculty of Law, University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay


Alexandre Siciliano Borges


LLM in International Taxation from Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands


Alfredo García Prats


Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Valencia


Allison Christians


H. Heward Stikeman Chair in the Law of Taxation at the McGill University Faculty of Law


Andrea Quattrochchi


PhD in public and tax law


Antonio Sanchez


Coordinator of the Doctorate in Fiscal Studies (CUCEA) of the University of Guadalajara


Benjamin Sevilla Bernabeu


Professor of the Department of Financial and Tax Law and History of Law Faculty of Law. University of Valencia


Cristian J. Billardi


PhD in Law from UNIPA – Italy



Dario Rajmilovich


Public Accountant


Javier Mitre Bethancourt


Abogado, Licenciado en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Panamá


Leonardo Freitas de Moraes e Castro


PhD candidate in Economic, Financial and Tax Law at the University of São Paulo (USP).


Marta Oliveros Castelon


PhD from Ludwig-Maximilians University (Germany)



Michael Zavaleta


Doctor of Law from the University of Castilla – La Mancha (UCLM) Spain


Monica Hernandez


Master in International Tax Law (Adv. LLM) from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.


Phillip Baker Teacher


Professor at the Law Faculty of Oxford University


Ramon Tomazela


Doctor and Master in Tax Law from the University of São Paulo (USP)


Rita Correa Cunha


LLM in International Taxation from the New York University


Rodolfo Servin Gomez


PhD in Tax Sciences with honorable mention by the Institute of Executive Specialization (IEE)


Sebastian Hoffmann


Master of Science in Economics (Free University of Berlin).



Vera from Hesselle


PhD in Tax Law from Universitat Hamburg


Yubani Ramirez Amayo


PhD in Law from Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas


*The body of professors referred to on this site can be changed, according to the academic guidelines established in the FBT courses.



up to x


Information about enrollment

1) Enroll directly on the website by clicking on the “Enroll” button;
2) After enrolling, the student must post the following documents on the FBT Teaching Platform:

– Photocopy of current proof of residence
– Photocopy of identity document
– A certified copy of the diploma or declaration of completion of the graduate course.


Students who complete the course, with the minimum pass required, will be issued a certificate as a Specialist, by the FBT – Faculdade Brasileira de Tributação.

International Partnerships

A FBT mantém uma série da parcerias e convênios internacionais, com grandes instituições de ensino e pesquisa.